My Favorite Chimmichurri Recipe


For those of you that have never heard of chimmichurri, it’s a topping traditionally used for meats in Latin American cuisine. I’m addicted to the stuff. In the past I had tried so many chimmichurri recipes, and none of them gave me the flavor I’ve experienced in really great Churrascarias (all you can eat steak houses) . They all tasted like they were missing something, so I decided to just experiment until I found the right combination that was simple to make, but hit a home run for my taste buds. I made this for a work event once, and my co-workers divided it amongst themselves to take home afterwards. I use it on steak, chicken, mix it in rice and even scrambled eggs. It also makes a great topping for sliced french bread. Yum!! The best part is, you can add additional ingredients like red pepper flakes if you like a kick, but I find the garlic already does that.

It keeps for about a week in fridge. Enjoy!!


2 bunches of parsley, the cheap kind

7 cloves of garlic, less if you want

juice of half a lime

medium bottle of extra light olive oil (EVOO is way too heavy)

Kosher Salt and fresh ground pepper

Rinse off the parsley, tear off the stems in one big twist, and pat dry with paper towel.

Put the parsley and peeled garlic cloves in a food processor (make sure to cur off the brown ends of the clove, Martha says they taste bitter) and pulse until finely chopped but not mushy. You should have a nice speckling of garlic.

Put the mixture in a small or medium glass container and sprinkle salt and pepper so you can see how much you’re adding. Don’t overdue the salt, you can do add more later. Add the lime juice.

Get the bottle of olive oil and pour over the mixture until it’s completely submerged, with about a 1/4 inch of extra oil. This may require the entire bottle depending on the size of the container.

Mix the ingredients well with a spoon, if possible let it sit in the fridge for a couple of hours so all the flavors have a chance to come together. Serve it at room temperature. Of course this tastes way better with grass fed beef, humanely raised pork, and organic free-range chicken.



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