I was driving back from lunch this afternoon and parked the car, when I was suddenly blessed with this little poem in my head.

I know things
I know things that most let pass by.
I know the bird that soars, across the morning sky.
I know the child that’s ignored by their kin,
Laughing still, because of love within.
I know the lost dog, searching for a home.
Wanting someone to hold them and say they’re not alone.
I know the serpent, hiding in the grass.
Just wanting to live, waiting for a meal to pass.
I know the man, with bitter and anger on his face.
His life suddenly gone, not leaving but a trace.
I know the woman, weeping in her hands.
Trying so hard to keep it together, and dealing with life’s demands.
I know the world, that’s crying for change.
Wondering when the balance of power, will finally rearrange.
I know these things and I keep it to myself.
All of them inside, on a tiny little shelf.
Michael Robert