I don’t want to know anymore.

I don’t want to know how racist you really are.

I don’t want to know how your world view is based on a meme that validates your fear and ignorance.

I don’t want to know how much you devalue facts, reasoning and logic.

I don’t want to know that you don’t have single friend that isn’t white as a bed sheet.

I don’t want to know that your religious beliefs include supporting and promoting sexual predators that boast about their behavior.

I don’t want to know that you get all your information from a single source.

I don’t want to know that you’ve never spent hours with your head buried in an encyclopedia.

I don’t want to know that your vote is based on how big your paycheck is.

I don’t want to know that you don’t know the difference between fact and opinion.

I don’t want to know that you consider science and mathematics the enemy.

I don’t want to know that years of research, study, statistical analysis, empirical evidence and observation mean nothing to you.

I don’t want to know that you have no idea what the previous statement even means.

I don’t want to know that you stop caring about your fellow human the moment they’re born.

I don’t want to know you don’t like animals.

I don’t want to know that you crush spiders even though they’re saving your world from destruction by insects.

I don’t want to know that you have a closet filled with weapons designed for war, to kill as many humans as possible in the shortest amount of time, and claim it’s for hunting.

I don’t want to know when your child is murdered at school, because the weapons in your closet are perfectly legal.

I don’t want to know that you think it’s okay to lock humans and children in cages.

I don’t want to know you’re clueless of how blessed you are, and you look down at others with so much less.

I don’t want to know that I was right about that something which bothered me, and I couldn’t put my finger on it.

I don’t want to know that you fell in love with someone you never met in just two days, and now you’re crushed and don’t want to live because they’ve blocked you.

I don’t want to know so many people can relate with that kind of relationship.

I don’t want to know that you hate anyone with a faith in a higher power.

I don’t want to know that you don’t even believe in yourself.

I don’t want to know that you claim not to be homophobic, but you’ll vote for someone that actively fights against my right to love who I choose.

I don’t want to know that you don’t realize voting has nothing to do with politics, and everything to do about how people live, work and survive.

I don’t want to know you don’t vote.

I don’t want to know anymore.

Before social media, I was so much more hopeful for our planet.

Before I knew, I thought we’d overcome just about everything.

Before I knew how diseased we were, I thought we were somewhat healthy.

I don’t want to know anymore.

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