Just this morning I experienced a huge epiphany and I had to share. I was having a conversation among fellow spiritualists and one of them, David Hanzel, a psychic medium, made the comment that we are special and magical no matter who we are. David went on to say that it didn’t matter if you were a galactic princess or a plumber, that everyone had the power to change the world. While we’ve all heard this type of grounding motivation before, today these words brought a new awareness to me. I’ve always believed them in theory, but this morning I actually saw and felt the potential behind them. It’s difficult to describe but I’ll give it my best shot.

For starters, power, as we know it, is basically an illusion. As humans we like authority figures because it comforts us and provides a sense of security. Since the beginning of our hominid existence we have looked to healers, wise men, village chiefs, tribal leaders and political figures for guidance and authority. While those figures help shape our society and we need them, the actual power they possess is no different than anyone else alive because in reality, they are a part of the same bigger plan as all of us. They are playing a role, just as important as yours, to get our collective species / consciousness to a certain place in time and space. Yes, this is waaaay metaphysical and philosophical but at the same time, perfect in its design.
This was a huge relief for me because if you watch the news right now you’d think the planet was a pretty fucked up place… one of the reasons I try my best to stay away from it. However, what you’re seeing is just a macro view of what’s really going on…. seriously… think about it. There are about twenty people right now that share most of the news stories you see on TV, the same twenty people over and over. Can you name them all? If you think it’s way too low of a number, let’s raise it to one hundred or even one thousand. Folks there are 7.7 billion people on the planet… that means you could fit all the news makers onto a single cruise ship. Do you see what a small representation of the real comings and goings they are? So imagine this planet with all 7.7 billion people, doing things which the news can’t even begin to report on… things like creating, loving, helping each other… wow. The amount of wrong or “evil” as it were, is absolutely minuscule compared to the amount of good we do while existing day to day.
“Bob the plumber might have an interaction with someone one day, a simple smile when they needed it the most, and that person might go forward setting off a chain of events leading eventually to the end of world hunger… or the beginning of world peace. “
Here’s the best part… your role is vital to this amazing collective, because the interconnectedness we all share is more complex and amazing than anyone could ever imagine. We communicate in ways that science hasn’t dared to explain, ways that can’t be quantified with current technology. Even better you don’t need to shout or scream or sign a petition to get your point across, you just need to be you and be good with that. You’ve heard it before folks… simply being the change you want to see. A point driven home when I saw the Dalai Lama speaking in person and every answer to every global crisis was the same… “be nice to each other.” Abraham Hicks takes this a step further and often states “The greatest gift you can give someone is your own happiness.”
So there you have it. Bob the plumber might have an interaction with someone one day, a simple smile when they needed it the most, and that person might go forward setting off a chain of events leading eventually to the end of world hunger… or the beginning of world peace. Something the most powerful people on the planet, or so it would seem, couldn’t do in thousands of years. If you’d like try your hand at it, just practice being happy and being kind, just practice using the power of you. Realizing how important you truly are, is a step in the right direction. For everyone…and for the planet.